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Navigating towards a greener future in shipping: The Danelec perspective

Claus Borum
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November 21, 2023
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In the maritime industry, the quest for a greener future is as urgent as it is complex. At Danelec, we recognize the challenges and opportunities this journey presents.

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has set an ambitious target of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Meeting this goal necessitates a holistic consideration of the ecological footprint of our solutions, extending beyond emissions alone. For example, the environmental implications of scrapping a functional yet polluting vessel for a greener alternative demand careful evaluation.

The average age of the commercial fleet exceeds 20 years, reflecting a lingering reliance on legacy systems and technologies both onboard and onshore. Transitioning to newly constructed eco-friendly vessels is not an immediate and one-size-fits-all solution.

While the search for alternatives is plentiful and our industry consistently demonstrates resourcefulness and creativity in finding solutions, the challenges posed by decarbonization remain formidable.

A Carbon-Intensive Legacy

Our journey is marked by the need to transition away from traditional, carbon-intensive fuels, a shift that is as challenging as it is necessary. This paradigm shift demands not only a rethinking of our energy sources but also a significant overhaul of the existing maritime infrastructure and technology that have been the backbone of the industry for decades.

The Economic Implications

The economic implications of adopting eco-friendly technologies are another crucial aspect. The investment required for retrofitting existing vessels or acquiring new, greener ships presents a daunting financial challenge. Balancing environmental responsibility with economic feasibility is a tightrope walk, requiring careful consideration and innovative solutions.

Regulatory Compliance

Moreover, the regulatory landscape of the maritime industry adds another layer of complexity. Adhering to international standards, like those set by the IMO, involves navigating a maze of regulations and certifications that vary across regions. Achieving compliance is a rigorous and intricate process.

New Fuels

Various alternative power sources for ships, such as ethanol, electric batteries, and hydrogen, are being explored. Yet, each solution comes with its own distinct drawbacks and set of challenges, including efficiency concerns, competition with food crops, and potential environmental impacts.

Liquefied Natural Gas emerges as a viable transition fuel, offering lower emissions than traditional fuels. While it is not a long-term solution, it provides an intermediary step, allowing the industry to reduce its carbon footprint as it explores more sustainable alternatives.

Hydrogen and ammonia show promising results as clean fuels for the maritime industry. These fuels, when used in fuel cells or combustion engines, emit only water vapor or nitrogen, contributing to a greener future. However, infrastructure development and production scalability are key challenges.

Harnessing the power of wind and solar energy presents a sustainable solution. From wind-assist technologies to solar-assisted propulsion, integrating renewable energy sources can significantly reduce reliance on traditional fuels. Recently, I engaged in a thought-provoking discussion with other stakeholders in the maritime ecosystem during the Digital Tech Summit in Copenhagen. Among the discussed technologies is Rotor Sails, offering promising alternatives to traditional ship power, which is interesting however, retrofitting existing vessels with such technology poses logistical and cost challenges, and perhaps also limitations for smaller vessels.

Emerging Technologies

Technological advancements bring their own set of uncertainties. With many emerging alternative fuels and propulsion technologies, the lack of standardization and clear frontrunners makes decision-making challenging for industry stakeholders. This scenario is further complicated by the prospect of a multi-fuel future, where diverse energy sources, including LNG, hydrogen, and ammonia, will coexist.

The challenges of decarbonization in the maritime industry are significant, but the urgency for action cannot be overstated. Delaying the transition to cleaner fuels and technologies only exacerbates environmental concerns and exposes the industry to regulatory and economic risks. Stakeholders, from shipowners to regulatory bodies must collaborate to accelerate the adoption of cleaner fuels and technologies. The multi-fuel future is a step in the right direction, offering flexibility and a bridge to a more sustainable maritime sector.

Act Now, Don't Wait

At Danelec, we believe that, while the quest for the perfect alternative continues, the immediate solution lies in enhancing operational efficiency. Understanding ship performance is crucial to this approach. Through the collection, aggregation, and analysis of ship data, we can assist shipowners in optimizing performance, comparing vessels, and making informed decisions. This data-driven strategy represents the most practical, reliable, and proven route to reducing emissions and increasing operational margins. Our agnostic ship data collection technology seamlessly integrates with various onboard sensors, providing a unified dataset for comprehensive analysis. This approach, potentially complemented by technologies like Rotor Sails, positions us as a catalyst in the industry's pursuit of the IMO's ambitious targets. Data collection and ship performance optimization can be applied fleet-wide, regardless of ship size, type, or area of operation. This universality is what makes our technology stand out as one of the only feasible solutions for the short to medium term to significantly reduce the environmental impact of the global merchant fleet.

In conclusion, if you are a vessel owner grappling with the challenges of retrofitting advanced green technologies, Danelec offers a solution tailored to your needs. Our expertise in ship data collection and performance monitoring is not just a strategy for compliance or efficiency; it's a path towards a sustainable maritime future. We encourage you to reach out to us. Let's discuss how we can make your fleet part of this crucial transformation.

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