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Address technical issues on-board before they cause serious problems at sea

Claus Borum
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October 11, 2023
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While Planned Maintenance Systems (PMS) are mandatory according to the International Safety Management Code (ISM), the fact that a ship’s equipment may not be touched by an engineer during the interval between services makes it possible for small issues to lead to catastrophic failures that can cause critical safety issues or costly downtime.

The length of the service interval is based on any combination of design numbers, risk assessments, and the intrinsic knowledge of manufacturers. But it’s not possible to meaningfully qualify the impact of variables like manufacturing quality, installation problems, or core material defects, so relying solely on a PMS only opens the door to uncertainty.

With the evolution of dependable sensors and more intelligent automation systems, Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM) is now more widely used to inform engineers of the ongoing state of the system, so that issues can be addressed before they develop further, which invariably leads to fewer equipment failures.

Maritime digitalization has taken this a step further so that potential problems can even be predicted. When the output of on-board monitoring systems (as part of a CBM system or not) is connected to the cloud, it’s possible to apply AI and machine learning techniques for trend analysis and predictive or preventive analytics.

Cloud solutions like Danelec Fleet Insights allow more information and insight to be liberated from the data produced by monitoring systems on board in this way. By using data to predict potential faults or failures before they happen and then sharing the information digitally, Fleet Insights allows for preventative maintenance, significantly reducing vessel downtime and avoiding expensive emergency repairs.

As a new platform for building efficiencies in ship management and operation, one of the many advantages of Danelec Fleet Insights is its ability to enable customers to predict, prevent, and save across the maintenance spectrum.

It puts insight in the hands of experts ashore and engineers on board, ensuring that the essential systems that ships need to operate safely are always available, regardless of when equipment is due to be serviced.

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