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Leverage AI and Machine Learning to accelerate your voyage outcomes

Editorial Team
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August 26, 2024
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In the LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) shipping industry, stakeholders often face misaligned incentives and a lack of transparency.

This environment hampers the pursuit of innovative improvements that could benefit both the industry and the planet. Owners and charterers in LNG shipping typically hesitate to share data and insights, which creates barriers to optimizing the safe transport of LNG—a highly dynamic and complex challenge. Transporting LNG involves maintaining the cargo at -160 degrees Celsius while managing pressure changes and ensuring the vessel's engines efficiently use boil-off gas. The vessel's master must make critical decisions to maintain cargo conditions for safe discharge, balancing issues like cargo sloshing and boil-off gas usage or liquefaction.

Let’s explore four key features of Danelec's Boil-Off Gas Solution, designed to bridge these gaps and enhance efficiency and transparency in LNG shipping.

Simulate Any Operational Conditions and Voyage Scenarios

Danelec's Boil-Off Gas solution allows you to simulate a wide range of operational conditions and voyage scenarios, providing detailed voyage forecasts to support decision-making. Setpoint simulation enables operations and commercial teams to foresee future outcomes of potential voyage plans and on-voyage operational decisions. This simulation helps answer crucial planning questions such as:

  • How will voyage outcomes change by altering the route?
  • What will be the cargo condition upon arrival for this voyage plan?
  • What impact will using reliquefaction, subcooling, or the Gas Combustion Unit (GCU) have on voyage outcomes?

Maximize Voyage Efficiency and Cargo Delivery

BOG Optimization within Danelec's solution enables operations teams to reduce voyage costs and maximize voyage profit based on the latest vessel location, cargo condition, and weather forecasts. With BOG Optimization, decision-makers have access to up-to-date voyage data and simulated outcomes, allowing them to determine:

  • What are the optimal operational setpoints to maximize cargo delivery?
  • What consumption and cargo conditioning will be required to meet arrival requirements?
  • Could a past voyage have been operated more efficiently?

Enhance Data-Sharing and Collaboration with the Simulation Results Database

The Simulation Results Database centralizes information, allowing Operations and Commercial teams to see and share the impact of their past and planned decisions. This shared database fosters collaboration, breaking down data silos and enabling smarter decision-making. Teams can work together more effectively, leveraging new insights surfaced by simulation results to optimize future voyages.

Centralized Cargo Quality Data Management

Danelec's Certificate of Quality Database centralizes Cargo Quality (CoQ) data for past voyages, allowing Operations and Commercial teams to upload, view, and share this data alongside historical HFD, Noon data, and Simulation results. This single source of truth streamlines team workflows and enhances collaboration, ensuring that decision-making is based on comprehensive and accurate data.

Why Choose Danelec?

Danelec’s advanced machine learning and thermodynamics models provide actionable insights that significantly reduce LNG consumption, maintenance costs, and CO2 emissions. Achieving a 4.7% performance improvement within temperature and pressure targets, Danelec's solution sets a new standard in operational efficiency. Additionally, our unique collaboration platform enables charterers and vessel owners to dynamically optimize their operations, ensuring adherence to ETAs and terminal requirements while achieving unprecedented efficiency levels.

By choosing Danelec, you are not only opting for a solution that enhances your operational efficiency but also contributing to a more sustainable and transparent LNG shipping industry. Our Boil-Off Gas solution represents a significant step forward in addressing the complex challenges of LNG transport, ultimately benefiting all stakeholders and the environment.

Experience the future of efficient, safe, and sustainable LNG shipping with Danelec, and bridge the gap in your operations today.

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