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Enhanced voyage profitability and sustainability

Editorial Team
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Case Study
min read
January 31, 2023
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Brazil-based Log-in Logística Intermodal, established in 2007, specializes in planning, managing, and operating optimal solutions for coastal cargo movement.

With a robust intermodal network, Login covers significant areas across Brazil and Mercosur, focusing on coastal navigation and port handling services to foster long-term profitability and enhance national competitiveness.

In 2020, Log-in partnered with Danelec to deploy their advanced solutions on two container-liner vessels, aimed at minimizing fuel waste and optimizing operations which led to a 3.12% reduction in fuel consumption and emissions across the fleet, was subsequently expanded to include Log-in’s fleet of seven container liners.

Why Danelec?

Log-in chose Danelec to enhance vessel data integration, achieve measurable fuel savings, reduce emissions, and improve transparency and collaboration among internal teams. Danelec’s solutions enable data-driven decision-making, essential for optimizing vessel operations and adhering to strict ETAs. This partnership has fostered significant internal behavioral changes, embedding Danelec Voyage Insights deeply into Log-in’s operational workflows.

"Danelec is not just another platform; their ability to integrate seamlessly and demonstrate quick, effective results has built strong trust in their recommendations, significantly transforming our operations towards enhanced innovation and sustainability.”

- Flavio Gonçalves, Operations Manager at Log-in Logística Intermodal

Improved Transparency Between Onshore and Offshore Teams to Optimize Voyage Outcomes

Initially implemented on two container vessels navigating from Buenos Aires to Fortaleza, Danelec Voyage Insights have helped maintain crucial ETAs through just-in-time arrival strategies. These strategies optimize speed and performance in alignment with Danelec’s machine learning models, weather forecasts, and sea conditions, effectively reducing engine output while maintaining consistent speed. The results are substantial:

  • Vessel A: Over 363 voyage days, fuel consumption and CO2 emissions were reduced by 2.4% compared to baseline figures
  • Vessel B: For 76 voyage days, adherence to Danelec’s guidelines led to a 5.9% reduction in consumption and emissions

Collectively, across 439 sailing days, Log-in achieved a 3.12% reduction in fuel use and emissions, equivalent to removing 278 cars from the road annually.

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